
Gallery Page Counter Combines HTML5 Storage and Onload this should show a number Unfortunately this only works as local storage, specific to each browser, not the computer or server, so each person will have their own unique counter Tutorial for OnLoad Method Text storage version

Forums Tweets by @Creating_Genius HTML Features An archive of webpage features that are ready to be ported to any HTML5 page Topic Description Sample Tables There are a few creative ways to use tables, more often then not is for the layout more than the appearance. Here are a list of table techniques that I HTML Features

Gallery Over Powered Character Ideas OP the shorthand for a Moba Mo and Daniel came up with called “Over Powered” where the characters are intentionally ridiculously strong. For the sake of different perspective, I tend to think of characters abilities and gameplay in a Moba Scenario, and will refer to that as the OP version CG Presents: Over Powered